Pension and Investment Consultants

You will be advising employers and trustees about a wide range of issues where the law is often complex and unclear. Sometimes, you may be the only professional adviser with regular contact with the trustees and the company and could need pragmatic legal backup. The funding plan of the pension scheme is often the key factor in the company's ability to continue to trade.

Our advice includes;

  • assisting you in your role and your discussions with trustees/employers regarding the employer covenant. This includes helping the parties concerned to devise a strategy for agreeing a recovery plan
  • interpreting scheme rules
  • advising on the impact of legislation
  • involvement on a project basis to advise the employer or the trustees where the trustees' lawyers usually advise both parties but have a conflict of interest

The training session was very good – pitched just right in terms of our knowledge levels.

Trustee - Pension Scheme

Current News

Cohabitee wins right to pension

The Supreme Court has ruled that a nomination requirement relating to the payment of a survivor’s pension under a public sector pension scheme discriminated against cohabiting unmarried couples and should be disapplied.


Reversing Trustee Decisions

Trustees have on occasion relied on the “Hastings Bass” rule to unwind decisions that subsequently transpire to have unintended consequences. The scope to do so has been narrowed by the recent Supreme Court judgments in the jointly heard cases of Futter and another v HMRC and Pitt and another v HMRC.


EU Solvency Rules dropped

The European Commission has announced that it is dropping its plans for a new funding regime for pension schemes.


Pensions for Mortgages

Nick Clegg announces a new government idea to allow parents to use their pensions to help children onto the property ladder.