Case Study

Company Failure Protection

Our client were the trustees of a £5 million pension scheme whose principal employer was a private company. The company was to be sold and there would be a considerable amount of secured debt post-completion.

While the scheme was almost fully funded, there remained a risk that it would require further contributions in the future. As an unsecured creditor, the pension scheme stood to receive less in the event of the company's failure after the sale. In order to protect the pension scheme, an escrow account was established well before the sale which could be called upon in certain circumstances when money was due from the company to the scheme, such as the company’s insolvency or the inability of the company to make contributions to the scheme, to eliminate the deficit. We also advised the trustees in relation to the company's application to The Pensions Regulator for clearance.

The training session was very good – pitched just right in terms of our knowledge levels.

Trustee - Pension Scheme

Current News

Cohabitee wins right to pension

The Supreme Court has ruled that a nomination requirement relating to the payment of a survivor’s pension under a public sector pension scheme discriminated against cohabiting unmarried couples and should be disapplied.


Reversing Trustee Decisions

Trustees have on occasion relied on the “Hastings Bass” rule to unwind decisions that subsequently transpire to have unintended consequences. The scope to do so has been narrowed by the recent Supreme Court judgments in the jointly heard cases of Futter and another v HMRC and Pitt and another v HMRC.


EU Solvency Rules dropped

The European Commission has announced that it is dropping its plans for a new funding regime for pension schemes.


Pensions for Mortgages

Nick Clegg announces a new government idea to allow parents to use their pensions to help children onto the property ladder.